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Tuesday, September 23, 2008


This blog started off as neutral territory, a space where I could say everything and anything I wanted. Over the years it has gradually accumulated a small following of people many whom are real-life friends. Truth is lately I've been wanting to say a lot of things but because I know the readers I often excuse myself from touching on 'sensitive' issues. I feel I have let everybody down.

Have I not learned, growing up in pseudo-democracy, the pain of censorship?

I'm shuffling across my music selection which has remained static for 4 months. Music is a proxy for writers block? Every second sentence I write is censored. When have I ever been into Usher? Never. Pink Floyd now. I remember the last time I let Syd Barrett lose I was in the same head space.

I am ANGRY because I can't write this properly. I hate knowing that he will read this and then go, 'wait a minute, that's not accurate, take that back'.

But if I can't do it here then where else can I?

Love makes you do crazy things, insane things. Things in a million years you'd never see yourself do. But there you are doing them... can't help it.



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