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Saturday, August 16, 2008

Week 3

Time is moving quite quickly. Judging from the amount of work I'm handling after only 3 weeks I'd say I'm doing pretty horribly. But no despair; I usually pick up at the end of semester when I gorge on powerbars and my brain is in hyperspace (from alcohol/drugs?).

My boss has been pressuring me to take up more work because she needs to meet her own targets. So she offloads it to me hoping I'd lap it up eagerly like I've done in the past but now I'm like mehhh. I hope she still gives me work though. The other day she called and the line got cut off as I entered the City Loop on a train; she thought I went into a fit and slammed the phone on her. Bless her, she's so cute. We're okay though.

I've started to develop a horrible back problem from hunching in front of my laptop. Work is interspaced with 3 hour sessions of Packrat, goss column reading and cruising. I'm constantly being distracted by the *ping* of a message on Manhunt because it gives me more internalised validation than my work. Most of the time it's a false alarm but occasionally I get the odd guy with a nice tight arse nice face.

I bought some Korean honey waffle cookies for Daniel and he wolfed it down in under 4 days. Next time I need to get those coconut ones instead (he hates coconut) so I can have it all to myself.



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