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Friday, March 28, 2008


Yeah and I thought I was going to party again this weekend...

I'm finally feeling the weight of work ahead of me. I'm reading through all these cryptic journal papers - written in scientific language that few others can comprehend, full with abbreviations and diagrams that completely make no sense to an undergraduate (like myself).

And these essays that I have to write! "What is the function of the KDEL receptor? - in 1000 words or less"

"cis-maturation model of the Golgi cisternae"

"role of leptin and SocS3 inhibition in metabolic intake"

"signalling mechanism by which PDGF induces membrane protrusions in mouse embryo fibroblasts"

"molecular mechanisms involved in determining asymmetric cell division during embryogenesis"



I have been sleeping in classes. Going to uni is a chore so i do it for the sake of. Like eating chocolate. For the sake of. Coffee can only keep me awake for the first 25minutes. I can't concentrate. I don't care. Burnout. For fucks sake.

Recorded iLecture? What the hell is she saying. I can't even link her babble with the lecture slides in front of me (probably due to the fact it's 3am, I'm cranky and it's cold outside?). I keep rewinding at the same sentence "it takes a while to understand Grb2 pathways...". I might need more than a while, you bitch.

Partying more and more as a means of avoidance. Bad signs?? Dxnixl won't understand and can't help. Seems that alcohol/drugs are (slowly) becoming the answers to all my worries.

Phone was offline today in Melbourne Central; Three was doing it again with their idiotic network. Reception has been choppy in the past two weeks but I haven't done anything about it... Dxnixl couldn't contact me so today he threw a fit and I deserved it. Like, yeah, I need to get my shit sorted out. But how. And when.

Workout at the gym seems to be the only thing going smoothly. Previously I've been telling myself to keep away from "muscle enhancers", but now I'm more willing to give it a go. Not any steroids or shit like that - more like super protein shakes that make you tremble if your energy expenditure does not match calorie intake. Yeah, I know this shit - it's called the MC4R induced thermogenesis.

And my fingers are struggling to keep up with the typing. I'm so tired but I can't sleep until I finish reading about JAK2 receptors. If I don't then I won't sleep because I'll worry myself to death about not doing enough.

Not that I'm doing much anyway.



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