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Saturday, January 05, 2008


At least we can still talk.

Dxnixl has said that he will only live in Malaysia if he gets a job. Fair enough, and also its not good if he becomes an expatriate housewife. He knows people who hated being in the same position. We've reach a point where we're able to talk more openly about things but pulling rabbits out from under the carpet can be upsetting.

At the time I could only think of danish furniture. Because the boy and I had decided earlier to start investing in REAL furniture (no more Ikea bullshit). I could only hear the words "Fuck I'm going to die lonely and without nice furniture".

I know I'm being over-dramatic again but it still bugs me.


I have a freak out about some trivial matter so I went a walk. One hour later I am in Toorak (Orrong Rd), which is fckking miles away. Gorgeous streets with shady trees, but sprinkler systems running full blast at 1am spilling water all over the walkway is not cool. Double standards? The rest of us can only water twice weekly yet these people have golf greens as their backyard.

Every house has a sign that says 'Independent water supply', but water is water and the State government needs to realise that bore water has to come from somewhere.

Shame, even though some of these gardens are actually pretty (Toorak design is better known for being "obscenely absurd").



Blogger executorlouis said...

Dxnixl is educated, highly intelligent and outspoken. I am sure he will have no trouble finding employment in Malaysia, or anywhere else for that matter. The only real problem is discrimination (what's new), and perhaps an adjustment to the work culture there.

Anyhoo, i am still in West Footscray so if you wanna hang out sometimes after you've moved, just let me know. :)

2:38 AM  
Blogger savante said...

I am sure he can find work in Malaysia - only whether he can handle the salary cut.

2:39 PM  

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