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Wednesday, October 01, 2008


I've been thinking long and hard about the way forward.

Two years later and people are casting doubts on my ability to stay focused. I can't blame them.

Rummaging through the pile of crap on my table I can see what I've started to do. Hoard. I'm letting things accumulate, putting them in little stacks in descending order of importance. Leave it for later. Everything according to priority and space in this universe.

Things have been going really slowly. Been to Euroa for a 21st birthday party. Had some time to think on the paddocks and granite outcrops that dotted it. Lots of unhealthy bogan food to keep my tummy unhappy. Great company, lots of beer and other mysterious things, more time to think. And kissing the lips of a guy not into me, not so clever.

But a weekend away nonetheless. Now it's back to basics, back to searching for direction. Or rather thinking a lot about the arrival of the direction than the direction itself.

Because when I find it I want to be able to say, "told you it was coming".



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