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Friday, August 10, 2007


Taking the 8.14 now. It's funny how I've ascended 10mins up the commuter que and yet the carriage is still packed as ever. This is how they do it because they can.

Warm dry air. The mercury says 16 but it feels like 25. I've not been able to walk around with shorts and no shirt to hide my airport runway for almost 5 months now, but it feels like forever since I last carried my doona out to catch what little sun that was left. Caterpillars are back; whole clumps of Agonizanthus flavidus have been defoliated.

$6. That's the price you pay to get cheap food. Two dollops of gooey gunk with unidentifiable pieces of brown stuff floating in it and green bits chopped up into a mush and presented with soy sauce. I've become immune to bad food; I no longer have fits on the floor after lunches.

There's nothing on in the Rowdy. 盛夏茪哖? Fun. I've got 4 hours to kill and I'm just sitting here staring into DNA thinking about my own measurements. I can't make up my mind; one moment I want to be 31 185 78 and the next I want 27 171 64. Yes, these are actual measurements of people (take a guess who). Lady in front of me barks. I accidentally toppled her water bottle with my Zac Efron limbs while busy deciding if purple cashmere goes with pink flannel.

Miyazaki. Funny skinny Japanese character running around womanising girls. It's interesting how the Whites are the villans that must be eliminated. Maybe he's trying to say FUCKYOU to those Americans who so unskillfully dub his DVD's and act as though they understand Japan better than the Japanese themselves. Main character is actually freaking hot. I'm getting attracted to CG-humanoids?

Burger King has upped its ante by adding more burgers to its already humongous burger list. Fatty fries that will make even Homer happy. Bloody coke machine is all out of the stuff, so no free refills. My grubby fingers grab away at the chips in front of me. I'm in hell's heaven.

A mind of his own. Taking a 3.5-hour walk to goodness knows where I'm left with my own insecurities about his whereabouts. Hastily open the window in the hope he'd jump in and sure enough a loud 'thud' moments later to signal his return, then three purrs for food. So characterisic pusscat, hasn't changed a bit since I've met him 11 months ago, except for an expanding waistline due to pampering from the big boss.

Well matched suit to quell the straight boys. Unbuttoning five seems to be taken very seriously. People are asking me those sort of questions again and I feel like smashing my turd into their faces. Birthday party girl is playing MIA yet again. No smoke, instead sourish scents of the Orient. Golden malau on the dance floor. This place is 99.99999999% InternationalAsianstudents, myself adding to the statistic. You can tell because they're either with JD or with Chivas or both. These straight boys/girls are more insecure than the drags at Xchange. I need to sit down but idiot lala-mui takes up three seats with her anorexic bottom and a LV the size of a body bag. Yes biatch here comes my fat ass to invade the couch; talk to the HugoBoss cause the middle finger ain't listening. $8.50 Blonde stubbies anyone??!

I spell R-I-P-O-F-F on the wall using JD but no one admires my work of art; even the bouncers are too busy carting away comatose dunks.

Five days without internet and I already need my fix. TPG is doing what everyone is doing, taking their time. Speed. Speed. Speed. Where art thou. Millions of unchecked mail sitting in my inbox, delight replaced with IDontKnowWhatButIKnowThisFeelingSucks. All but three are spam; Three non-spam mail requesting I settle outstanding debts asap. The world misses me this much.

The boyfriend is astonished that the baby can grow to 6m. Well that's in Melbourne; give it tropical and we're talking 12m or more. Ficus aurea a.k.a. STRANGLING FIG in Horse Bazaar, with two of his friends; I'm left to stare at the fluorescence emitted from five wall mounted projectors and doodle invisible scowls on the rotting furniture. Ficus aurea is bending towards the window in frantic search of better quality wavelengths, almost as if to shun the projectors. Stale beer on the floor. Weirdo fartsybartsy people look at me as though I'm a threat to their existence, unconcerned with the amount of visible dandruff scales they leave on their MelbourneBlack outfits.

Potty is finally out; the drama is over (THANK GOD). Successfully fending off potential spoilers (by banning them on MSN) and screaming at girls on the tram who couldn’t stop talking about who died, I managed to keep the suspense to myself... that is, until I discovered that there was none. Sure a bunch of people died but you can tell even JK wants the story to end, the way she wrote it. Anticlimax with a capital 'K'. Severus, my favourite, is once more largely unmentioned. Borrowing is a good idea if you don’t want to contribute to JK’s pension. Reading HP is like driving a ute or watching straight porn; even if it’s your first and last, you still have to try it.

Winning lottery combination is.... who cares. Fat old unemployed people maybe, but I'm more concerned about global warming and all that shit. Bungle in Haneef's case. We're becoming more afraid like the Americans; coloured people who own dead SIM cards are a threat to national security?? Perhaps reverse apartheid in South Africa is trying to tell us something about cultural sensitivity and prejudice.

Aspirin. Sometimes killing the headache is more difficult than living with it. Where's my energy? Tea is the second most important beverage next to coffee. Note taking has its moments; "Three Steps to Gain An Erection: an Anatomical Overview".

8.24 again. I'm back to the old times because Connex has obligingly delayed three trains. Gay boy twirling his hair and biting his nails. Train arrives surprisingly empty; where are all the people?

Oh right; dream. Hot shower awaits.



Blogger The Malaysia Traveller said...

Happy Birthday! Hugs..

1:36 PM  
Blogger Corgant said...

Too much to think in 10 minutes?

5:53 PM  
Blogger savante said...

Whoa. And here all i can think about is the three steps to gaining an erection!

9:21 PM  

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