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Friday, December 15, 2006


I have not been writing in a long time. I have been caught up in the euphoria of setting up my room and constructing a garden in the backyard, coupled with long episodes of cooking with the boyfriend and never ending shopping escapades.

I have also quit my previous job and found a new one.

My gym routine has been disrupted now that I live so far away from the gym, which is a good 30 minutes by train and tram from my place. I keep coming up with excuses to stay away from it, from the price of Metcards to the race to reach the gym after having a massive sleep-in, before it gets full with all the bunnies who compete with you for floor space. I still, however, find time to gorge myself on the food that the boyfriend cooks for me and the food I force myself to buy, sending my tummy back to pre-gym circumference.

My budget has spun out of control as I indulge in a spending spree before I truly settle in. There are so many things to buy, from ironing boards to pots for plants, right up to rubbish bins, plates and bowls, a rug for the room and extension cords… etc etc.

Needless to say, it is neither procrastination, nor lack of time that has prevented me from coming up with a post in the past three weeks or so. It is the lack of inspiration.

I find it so hard to get my brain ticking into writing a post. I've had three uncompleted drafts that are still sitting in Word documents somewhere on C-drive, and looking back on them I don't even remember what it was that I was trying to get at. The lack of continuity in my flow of thought at the moment could probably be attributed to the constant need to stay focused at the things that are more important in my life at the moment

Things like making a home for myself, and for the boyfriend who lives with me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

really happy to hear of ur domestic blis .. but dun forget the reason why you are there horr .. pls dun forget ur studies and ur future .. that should be ur primary focus right now .. study hard ya ! *pat pat*

1:30 AM  
Blogger savante said...

Sounds like everything's in place :) Good luck, man!

2:45 PM  

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