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Thursday, October 12, 2006



36.5 degrees on the mercury

9% humidity

My lips are dry and they beg for water

It has been a very long and dry spring, the Melbournians say. In fact, the last time we had high temperatures like this in spring was back in 1914. And according to the record books, today is the hottest day on record, ever. Then again, they’ve only been keeping the records for less than 150 years so that’s not all that special. Not to me, at least.

I remember when someone told me that it rains cats-and-dogs in Melbourne; I was disappointed to see only "drops" of water in what they termed “rain”. This is how it’s done in Australia; fine drizzles that last for 5 minutes. I miss the long pouring torrential downpour that KL has to offer. And the so-often muddy shoes and smelly jeans because you were drenched by the water that splashed out of a drain when a car sped by and sprayed you all over with sewage.

Rain. Where art thou?


Walking to university has become a pleasant journey. Unlike others, I find great relief in having to finally be able to wear minimal clothing, after a fucking cold 5 months of miserable winter and hideous looking knitted tops. Hot winds at 15kmph blazing across your sunburned skin, sucking out whatever moisture it can get out of you. I've not had a drop of sweat in three days; my shirts still smell as though they are fresh out of the washing machine.

The heat reminds me of the tropical weather, minus the haze, minus the humidity. I have forgotten what it feels like to be trapped in a column of hot air, with the air conditioning of supermarkets the only form of relief for your hot parched skin.

I miss the tropics, and the heat is helping me to miss it less.

The summer sunshine has been extremely difficult to bear, especially since we have cloudless skies. Sunscreen producers are happily cashing in on our misfortunes. Everybody's doing the Slip Slop Slap except me; I don't even know what the term refers to.

Walking towards the confines of cool air conditioning in my lecture theatre today, I noticed the slight tingling sensation on my lips. I can feel the cracks making its way up the soft pink flesh, and pieces of skin slowly flaking out under the mercy of the heat and the sun. And Roaccutane to further accentuate the damage.

Generously applying petroleum jelly all over the parched areas, I notice I've just walked into a room full of people clad in singlets and thongs. I feel almost overdressed in my long sleeved black top, blue denim jeans and Suede shoes.


Some whitey is in the front of the class exhibiting his armpit-hair to the world, trying to mimic the movement of the tentacles of a Cephalopod by waving his arms exasperatedly. I wonder if he's ever heard of the term "trim". There must be a whole Amazon under there.

I'm falling asleep in Biology class. The droning sound coming from the lecturer is complemented by the harsh wind that blows into the hall because the air conditioning isn't working and closing the doors would only cause us to bake inside like oysters. In the front row, two pretty girls chattering away about their pastel coloured tops. The scribbles I've made on my notes don't seem to make sense; I even misspelled the word mimicry.



Bushfires are raging in the north, and scattered fires in the Prom. I wonder if they'll ever reach Melbourne.

Long showers to keep my skin hydrated. I think I'm helping them empty the Thomson Dam; we should have no water left for summer because of me. Then again I think the idiotic lady that lives across the street who waters her leafy garden to bits with sprinklers that drench the pavement can share the blame.

Nothing in the fridge to cool my throat.


I feel the heat penetrating past the thin layer or melanin on my skin. I could get used to this.

I hope.


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