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Saturday, September 30, 2006

The Rice Queen

He knows he has got it and he uses it to his full advantage. Like a stalking tiger, he waits in the grass, ever ready to pounce on his next victim. The empowerment that he feeds off comes partly from the physical features that he has inherited from his forefathers.

Blond. Blue haired. White man skin. The rarity that comes along with having these characteristics become even more valuable when he has a preference for Asian men over his own kind.

Because to begin with, not many white guys go exclusively for Asian men.

His built is does not need to be any different from the ordinary; not stunning, not muscular, not well toned, because these features do not matter. He doesn’t need to have a huge dick, or be good in bed. He does not need to dress up for the occasion, or own expensive clothes, or have a good sense of fashion; often the Rice Queen’s wardrobe is composed of oversized shirts with hideous floral motives, and probably the odd straw hat. Even facial features and expression can be mediocre but the simple reason why he remains valuable lies in the rarity of his preferences for Asian boys and his hair/eye/skin colour.

Because he targets such a specific market of people, and there are not many competitors, his face value is vastly exaggerated. He knows this well and works on these qualities to prey on the people who are seeking for them.

Like a tiger, he targets the weakest of the gazelles. He assesses the herd of Asians for the young ones. The vulnerable ones. The ones who are alone. The ones who are desperately looking for company. The Asian boys who are looking for someone who is dominant in the relationship. Someone who will show the way, to hold their hand through the uncertainty of being alone.

A notable mention is the young Asian boy who is an International Student or those new to the country. These people, having grown up in an Asian country where white men are revered and rare, and who are insecure because they don't have many friends to begin with when they arrive in a foreign land, easily fall prey to the Rice Queen's advances.

Even better still, the classic Asian-boy stereotype – he who doesn't have a very good command of English, who is psychologically (and physically) less dominant than the Rice Queen himself, who is vulnerable and needy, often lonely and seeking for a relationship.

Why is that? Because when you are all these qualities, you will grab whatever you can get. When a hand is extended out to you, you will trust that hand and be willing to hold it, even if that hand will one day be the one that molests you for all you’re worth.

The Rice Queen is careful that he does not pick on subjects that might end up liking him and sticking to him, preventing him from sleeping with other boys or bringing complication into the so-called relationship.

Interpretation: "If you are vulnerable, I'll take you in and fuck you. When you become needy and sticky, I have to move on, do away with you by chucking you aside and finding a new prey".

How does the Rice Queen operate?

Firstly he convinces them that he is able to care for them and "give them guidance". He acts as a "giver", often using the odd expensive dinner treat, presents, tickets to movies, clothes; freebies to show that he is a kind and generous person. Of course, the Rice Queen’s ultimate trump card is his credit card. Money to buy material wealth has always been appealing in any culture, be it Western or Asian. Now, consider a lonely Asian man who reveres white men, having received all these gifts; he will become blinded with infatuation.

The Asian man will feel that the Rice Queen can "provide" for him, and being vulnerable in his own self, he seeks out that provision because it fulfils his inner need for company and material wealth.

Now, whilst slowly creeping up to pounce on the Asian boy, this Rice Queen makes sure he puts in the disclaimer: "I am not looking for a relationship". Or even more down to earth, "I am only looking for friends". The Rice Queen has even come up with an amazing terminology for his subjects; Friends with Benefits.

In other words, "I want to be your friend so that you can provide me what I want; I want to fuck with your mind, molest your body, play with your emotions and spit your heart out when you start having feelings for me".

The Asian man doesn't see this though, much to the Rice Queen's advantage, who casually uses sex as a means of "showing that I care for you". What the Rice Queen is really doing now is, "I'll buy you dinner and you let me get into your pants".

Soon everything becomes conditional. His "investment" in the Asian boy must be returned, often in sexual favours. The Rice Queen makes sure he flirts with the Asian boy, pushing the subject of sex as a means of "providing" and "caring"

Naturally, by this point, the Asian boy has become so blinded by the fact that he is being used and manipulated that he is under the spell of the Rice Queen. The Asian boy tries to push the subject of a relationship with the Rice Queen who clearly seems unimpressed, because the mere prospect of the Rice Queen being in a relationship scares him. A relationship to him simply means, less assholes to fuck, more shit to deal with.

The Rice Queen decides to tell the Asian boy that he "can no longer see him" because the Rice Queen has laid the disclaimer in the beginning, "I do not want a relationship". The Asian boy feels his world crumbling down, is crushed by these words, and will become emotionally damaged. The scars that he sustains from the breakup will remain with him for life.

The Rice Queen then finds another Asian boy and the cycle repeats itself. Often, the Rice Queen has sex with several people at a time, using this scheme to get around and fuck up their minds.

I flirt with you. You like me because I'm rare. I take advantage of that, fuck your asshole till thy-kingdom-come, and when you become sticky I throw you away and find a new one.

Something like buying kitchen appliances. See how they work. See if they fit your lifestyle. Use them till they break apart, then it's the dumpster for them.

The Rice Queen has a trophy room, where all his "former fucks" are stored, and that trophy room is his online profile. Every boy that he sleeps with, he adds to his friend's list. It is an outward proclamation to the world that this are the people he's successfully manipulated, successfully gotten into bed with, successfully used and fooled. These people do not understand the significance of being on the Rice Queen's friend's list.

Occasionally the Rice Queen loses his "subjects" to other men, and the Rice Queen becomes possessive. To him, his "subjects" are not allowed to sleep with anyone else but him. He feels that because he buys them expensive presents, he is entitled to the exclusive right to copulate with them. He thinks he is the Alpha male, and his subjects are the boys under his harem. Sadly, more often than not, the Rice Queen becomes so possessive that the Asian boy detaches himself from the Rice Queen, completely banning him into oblivion.

This can also happen if the Asian boy realises that he's been used and manipulated; that all the RIGHT buttons have been pushed by the Rice Queen. That the Rice Queen merely sees him as another fuck, just another grain of rice in his fucking huge rice bowl.

I was once that Asian boy, and as for the identity of the Rice Queen, well, let’s just say you might just be too dazzled when you meet him to even notice.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very well written babe. I read it as part reality part sterotype.

Not sure it is all so one sided, I guess I am still left with the question, what does the Asian boi get out of the situation?

I know in myself I am not the predator you make me out to be. How should a person who is attracted to Asian men act? Clearly I don't know, regardless I have learnt from this experience.

I maintain I was most attracted to you because I thought you were not the innocent international student sterotype. I guess if you had feelings you should have said. I was too scared to act on mine.

Oh and BTW I do dress well and have no oversized shirts with hideous floral motives lol

Hugs and best wishes always.....

3:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Goodness gracious, what a passive-aggressive response.

Condescending: "Very well written babe". Self-centred: assumes it's all about him.

Double standards: if YOU had feelings, YOU should have said, but HE had feelings, and didn't.

Finally, deluded: "I have learnt from this experience"... and... "BTW I do dress well".

I spoke to this guy, in preparation for the Rice Market 2 paper. Before I had even met you, I had noticed he seemed to be friends with every Asian guy under 25yo on Fridae. When we spoke, he confirmed he used the advanced search functionality available to Perks members to search by age and race. Then he seemed to think an explanation was necessary, and he said: "only people on my msn list are on my friends list // most of the people on my friends list in melbourne are FWB // its somwhere between a relationship and a fuck buddy."

It hasn't taken him long to realise his friends (with benefits) list was giving him away, and he's deleted it: Fridae says Friends(0): NO FRIENDS. So I guess readers here will have to take my word for it: it skewed young. As an experiment, when my first-year uni mate Kxnny created a profile, I asked him to let me know how long it took this guy to message him. Result: 28 days. Not even a month!

Here's my question then: isn't the very definition of predatory the act of seeking out the weakest members of a target group? And in the gay community, the weakest members are without doubt young guys who are new to the scene or the country, who haven't yet learnt the healthy measure of caution or even cynicism needed to negotiate sex without compromising their integrity.

The nature of the deception is apparent from its name: 'friends with benefits' -- why not just call it casual sex? Why the legitimating cloak of friendship? Because, let's face it, he's not 'friends' with anyone ugly, and he's not friends with anyone experienced enough to call him on his bullshit. He doesn't call it that because his target market is young guys, and they're idealistic, and for them, sex is never just sex; so he crafts his persona to get around this minor inconvenience. The deception goes deep: he's fooling even himself. That's why he knows 'in myself, I am not the predator you make me out to be', and that's why he closes his comment as you would close a message to a close friend: 'Hugs and best wishes always'. Wishes? Wishful.

11:27 PM  

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