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Monday, September 11, 2006


I'm walking down Elizabeth St with three grocery bags in my hand. He says I need to eat more so he's stocked me up with Hummus and Kangaroo meat and a whole bunch of yummy stuff from Safeway. He's becoming more and more like my boyfriend, trying to make me fat before he decides that I’m plump and ready to be eaten.

Some idiot is screaming at me and calling me a cunt as I chat away on the mobile phone. He's in his car and is probably just as drunk as I am, but I take little notice of him. I'm too busy chatting with H while I wait for a tram on Elizabeth St. I've not seen him for a while; perhaps he's been busy on his own affairs. He tells me about his sickness and the quiet weekend he's had and for a moment I sort of feel like I'd like to give him a nice big hug. But perhaps that won't be necessary; he seems to be coping well.

Earlier I had dinner at Chom Chom with D and he's been really reciprocative of my advances. Small flirtatious nods of agreement are returned by the casual desire to use chopsticks although forks and spoons would have been so much easier. He’s a sloppy eater when it comes to chopsticks, but I really can’t blame him. He’s trying really hard.

He likes the noodles, he says, and it isn't like anything he'd tasted before. I'll bet he'll go crazy when he tastes the food we have closer to home, in Malaysia.

Hairy Canary and some Spanish doughnuts that look phallic. The chocolate sauce that we're supposed to dip it in tastes really yummy, with a hint of citrus in the smooth thick cocoa. He beckons me bite off a piece that he had dipped into the chocolate, and I find that mildly sexual. Maybe I'm just having dirty thoughts.

I'm walking in zigzag patterns on the street, trying to make sense of all this. I don't think I hear the cars that whiz past me at break neck speed, but I certainly can see the road ahead.

I have never been drunk before. This is definitely a first.

One Sake too many, at Golden Monkey. The waitress gave us 900ml of Sake instead of the 300ml that we requested and we got a shock when we found out that the bill came up to $59. The cute guy behind the counter was kind enough to give us 900ml for the price of $16, and I reckon it was because I he felt sorry I had the sulky look on my face... It was nice; sitting on comfortable couches sipping away copious amounts of Sake wondering why it didn't run out, hugging each other and landing kisses on each other's cheek like there was no tomorrow.

Free alcohol for the soul, free kisses for the cheek. I'm drunk and I am madly in love.

I'll need recovery soon.


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