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Friday, May 19, 2006


Getting up wasn't difficult even though I only had a few hours of sleep. The night was long and distasteful, as I can recall, because of a sequence of events that had plagued me earlier in the day preceeding my slumber.

I kinda missed the sun. Luckily for me it was generous to let down a bit of sunshine and display little patches of blue sky, albeit the unforgiving cold Melbournian wind whisking away heat from my body and telling me to bugger off.

But funnily enough today there was this eerie fog that clouded the skyline. Just before dusk there was enough of fog to make any Malaysian remember those hazy days when our dear neighbour Sumatra couldn't stop her smoking habit.

And funny how that fog was as night descended upon the city. It felt like one would be trapped in it. You could almost feel its grip on the tall glistening skyscrapers along Collins St that disappeared above the thick layer of fog. I swear I could see water vapour from my breath, something I've only seen out of the movies until now.

93% humidity and 10 degrees air. Thank God for internal heating.

Somehow the pace of life was slow today. Cars were slow, the leaves were falling off their brances at their own pace...

I could get use to this life.

I kinda like the fog. It makes me long for more sunshine in my life.


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