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Tuesday, May 30, 2006


I've officially joined the group of people who pump iron and drink protein shakes. I am on my way towards becoming a gym-bunny who screams at the sight of chicken skin and cowers in fear with the scent of cheese cake.

Yesterday I bought a 1.32kg tub of Horleys protein shake from a shop along Swanston St and I had it with yoghurt and milk. Super huge amounts of protein, more than 60g (with the protein from yoghurt and milk included), all the essential amino acids and vitamins needed for healthy muscle growth. Not to mention deliciously wicked in taste and smell. I love the taste.

Feeding the worn muscles in my body with all the nutrition and essential minerals that it needs to repair itself and multiply in size. Food for the muscles, food for bulk.

I have been pumping more and more iron and stacking up the weights on the bars. I can now bench press 40kg and I'm constantly adding weight to the Lat Pull and Triceps Extension. The weights which I used to find difficult to handle are now manageable and I find myself having to increase resistance to keep up with my eager muscles.

I have lost all the baby fat around my hips and put on a much leaner, toned build.

Yes, I've improved quite a lot from my skinny adolescent built. But I'm not going to stop there.

My aim is ultimately to be like the cover boys on Men's Health, and until I get there there's no telling what lengths I'll go to or what I'll consume. I'm increasing my protein intake, eliminating heavy carbs such as rice and pasta or eating only a bare minimum, and doubling the intensity of the workout regime as set up by my instructor.

Some of my friends say that I'm extreme but I'd like to see it as a change in lifestyle and eating habits. After all, it is time I started watching what I eat. I am getting older anyways so it's time to say goodbye to pizza-with-cheese-and-salami for breakfast, fish-and-chips-fried-in-oil-until-golden-brown-with-a-side-serving-of-mayonaise-and-ketchup for lunch, apple-crumble-with-honey-and-cream-on-the-side for tea, or stir-fried-hokkien-noodle-in-lard for lunch. Hello celery carrots lean beef green peas steamed corn chicken breast broccoli kidney beans lentils avocados beetroot and all that tastes bland and disgusting.

Sacrifices have to be made. It’s not that difficult to decline that ambiguous piece of chocolate toffee when you persistently remind yourself that there's a million calories in there waiting to get back at ya. Nor is it difficult to abstain from eating pastries and oh so yummy chicken skin with the lard still sitting comfortably under it.

Then again, I must add, sometimes the craving just beats you to it.


Blogger yw[2k] said...

Later the next time when I see you I won't be able to recognise you already... :(

11:58 AM  
Blogger onegayboy said...

Well my face will stay the same, though. I'm not signing up for plastic surgery or any of that crap so I should still have the same funky eyebrows and spiky hair ;-)

Unless of course, all those protein shakes make my hair fall off.

6:34 PM  

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