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Friday, April 14, 2006

Rain again?

The rain has now started to fall again. Although it is only a drizzle compared to what we would get in Malaysia, nevertheless the rain is very comforting as it has been pretty dry in the past few weeks

I swear I can hear the plants singing to the sound of thunder and lightning. You can almost see pools of water accumulating in grassy areas, something I've not seen for more than two months.

It is funny how I can be fascinated with rain. Being a bitch who loathes getting dirty dust laden droplets of acid rain on my Zara coat, this is very unusual. I used to curse and swear whenever the sky went dark with clouds but now I wish it would rain so heavy that the streets would get flooded and the bloody Yarra burst its banks.

Perhaps like all other things, we only realise how much we miss it when we find that it isn't there.


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