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Friday, April 14, 2006

Good Friday Rain

Something light to spice up the day. Melbourne Comedy Film Festival

The Lion, The Bitch And The Closet was a great watch. I loved the Topping & Butch segment the most. Perhaps it was because Butch wore a red harness... and you know that I'm a sucker for all things that are S&M related. Soft white skin and pink nipples showing... ah. I love it.

A good dancer, good entertainer but could do with a little bit of hair on his neatly shaven head. Overall a good performance. Good references to John Howard Condoleezza Rice and Fag Hags.

Coffee on Lygon St at 1 am with David...


It is 2.45am on Good Friday and I can't seem to sleep. There seems to be a faint sound of raindrops falling on the tin roof outside. Why is it raining? There are no clouds in the sky. All I can see is the clear sky and a full moon faintly glowing among the dim stars.

It isn't rain like what we have in the tropics. This is the Melbournian equivalent of rain. Just a few drops of water from the sky to tease the cold dry earth.

Please send us some REAL rain.

It is getting cold now. Guess I can't sleep naked tonight.


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