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Monday, March 27, 2006


My housemate has emptied his groceries and his girlfriend has done the same! Now I have more space in the fridge to store all the yummy yummy stuff

Previously it was all six of us to a tiny tiny fridge. So, you can imagine the amount of food inside there. As all of us cook (eating out is bloody expensive), hence we get our own groceries from Vicmart and then cook our own meals

The last time I check I could swear there was something black and smelly at the back of the fridge. Couldn't really make out what it was, probably some left over pork or even some rotten vege. Or it could be a yummy apple pie that turned bad already.

Now I have a whole shelf to myself, and so do the other four housemates in the house. I bought some youghurt (1.2L tub that only costs $4... bloody cheap), some fruit juice (2L for something like $2.20), jam, bread, cereal, museli, lamb, whoa... all the delicious food. And on Tuesday I will buy some peaches and grapes from Vicmart.

And if you were wondering where did my housemate and his girlfriend dunk his food? He put it in the huge fridge that has been sitting in the garage downstairs for goodness knows how long. Shit him. Now he has tons of fruit juice and other yummy stuff in that fridge (did I mention that the fridge was his own?) that I can't touch. Oh well. At least I can have my own space now and not need to worry about overcrowding.

As they say, all gay men want some space. Hey, I got some, didn't I? :)


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