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Wednesday, October 05, 2005

New job

I have just passed my second day as a lab assistant!

And the things I have learnt: how to wash iron waste, how to prepare medium, o-phenantroline Fe2+ concentration analysis, autoclaving, and haemocytometer count.


And I will soon learn DNA-extraction and purification, Northern blotting, gel-electrophoresis, PCT (polymerase chain reaction), inoculation, Gellan gel preparation... wah... so many.. I can't even remember the scope of what I'm about to learn..

My supervisor, who happens to be a PLU friend I've known for quite some time, has been a bit naggy with the details and protocols but overall he's been quite supportive.

I actually love this job very much. Sure I may have extended hours (because one has to adhere to the length of an experiment and not to one's working hours, example a Fe2+ concentration test may take more than 10 hours to complete if done on a large scale...) and I am not paid overtime, but I think I enjoy the job nevertheless.

Furthermore I get to play with so many things that I can only dream about in university life as an undergraduate. Many things I've learnt in A-Levels will be taught here in my new job... and I won't even be doing it at undergraduate level! Imagine that... I'm at Pre-university level and I'm already conducting DNA-centrifugation and protein analysis!

Just imagine what it will do to my CV. Brilliant! I like this job. Though I think they should pay me higher for the labour I am providing them haha.

Tomorrow I'm collecting my salary from my former cafe! I'll be getting more cash into my account! Bring it on!

Today's a windy day. Lovely for sleeping.



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